Driving Canada: A Front Seat View of Immigration through Uber
In 2024, Qissa collaborated with the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (CMI) for the project, Driving Canada: A Front Seat View of Immigration through Uber, that collected oral histories of immigrants and refugees in Toronto, who currently drive or have driven Uber in the past.
By capturing these stories, the project aimed to document, archive, and highlight the diverse experiences of immigrants, using Uber as a unique entry point into their journeys in Canada.
These interviews were recorded in-person in Toronto, from 25 to 28 of October 2024.
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (CMIP)
CMIP is one of six national museums in Canada. It is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, at Pier 21, a National Historic Site of Canada, where nearly one million immigrants entered Canada between 1928 and 1971. It opened as a Pier 21 Interpretation Centre in 1999, and then became a national museum in 2011, re-opening to the public in 2015 with two core exhibitions, The Canadian Immigration Story and The Pier 21 Story.
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (CMIP)
CMIP has an oral history collection of about 1,300 audio and video oral history interviews.
Visit www.pier21.ca to learn more about the Museum.

Media Coverage
Top row (left to right): Yalgar Singh and Niharika Aggarwal, Rammah Mohammad, Mehakjot SinghG
Botton row (left to right): Mohd Javed Khokar, Haroon Khalid, Anam Zakaria
Photo Credit: Darryl LeBlanc from the project, Driving Canada: A Front Seat View of Immigration through Uber, in collaboration with the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21